WPPI Energy

About the Client

WPPI Energy is a member-owned, not-for-profit company in Sun Prairie, WI. WPPI Energy serves 51 locally owned electric utilities. Together, WPPI members has built a diverse, competitive and responsible power supply. They share advanced technologies and forward-thinking services, and they speak with a unified voice for effective energy policy advocacy.

Project Goals:
  • Increase the visibility of WPPI Energy’s Mission, Vision, and Employee values in our physical workplace by using wall graphics and acrylic lettering.
  • WPPI Energy’s Mission and Vision to be displayed in almost any space within the building, including “public” areas that often host members and visitors in addition to staff, as well as other areas that are used only/primarily by staff.
  • Prominently feature these elements of culture in a manner that is attractive and fitting with the building’s existing interior design.
Categories: Creative Design • Environmental Signage