Making an impact with White Ink Printing

If you’re like us, we’re always on the hunt for new and exciting ways that we can use print to reach our customers. Finding creative and unique ways to create a visual impact can be an ongoing search. But what if we told your search was over, and that we have an application that will knock your socks off! Okay, not literally, but it will get you excited and hopefully inspire you to think outside the box!

This exciting application is called, “white ink.” The biggest benefit of printing with white ink is that you are able to digitally print white and/or color ink on top of dark and unique papers to create a special effect that really makes your image pop!

For Example:

White Ink on Navy Paper



 White Ink and Color on Black Paper


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So when might you use white ink printing? Use it with your next high impact marketing piece, invitation, targeted direct mailing, or any special print project that you want to stand out!

The possibilities are endless with the white ink process.

If you have questions about whether or not white ink is ideal for your next printed project, contact us!