3 Tips To Make Your Tradeshow Booth Stand Out!

It’s time to take your event signage to the next level! You know you really need to stand out at the upcoming expo, but where do you start? Should you give your tradeshow booth a complete overhaul or simply invest in one specialty item?

If you’ve been to a tradeshow or two, you’re familiar with the rows of cookie-cutter booths that are just OK. But every now and then you see that booth. The one that makes you stop and want to learn more. Think about what made that booth unique. How did it grab your attention? Was it the bright colors, the imagery, or the booth itself? If you’re not paying attention to some of these details for your booth, there’s a big chance your potential customer will walk on by.

What does it take to make your tradeshow booth stand out?

Tip 1Invest in your booth
Tradeshows are a big investment, and if you’re looking to make an impact, spend your dollars on a quality booth! You’ll want to think of this as an investment in your brand and its image. Decide on a unique display and a smart design that you’ll be able to reuse for many events down the road.
20' Fabric Display





Tip 2Top-notch print collateral
We’ve all been there, scoping out our competitor’s fancy booth and perfectly branded print brochures and flyers. You and your sales team should be proud of what you’re handing out to potential customers. This is an important piece of your brand! Most people won’t make a decision right then and there, but hopefully they’ll look at your brochure later and it will remind them of the benefits of your business. This is all the more reason to make sure your print game is strong!

Print Marketing Image






Tip 3Professional design
This one speaks for itself. Always use a professional graphic designer. They are worth the investment for a great design and keeping your brand looking its best! Impactful imagery speaks volumes about your brand. Just think about the three Cs: creative design, clear message, and color.

UV Coated Direct Mail Postcard

Printed Self-Mailer






Additional ideas to engage your audience beyond print.

The additional tips below are definitely areas that you likely already do, but if you put a little strategy behind your effort this will also help you create engagement before and after the show!

It’s important to think strategically about what you’ll be giving away at your booth. You will have to purchase quite a few items, so you’ll want to make sure you’re getting your best ROI. You might consider spending a bit more on a product that will continue to promote your brand after the tradeshow. Consider a canvas tote bag that your customer might use for groceries, or maybe a water bottle with your logo. Be sure to add a creative tagline to catch people’s attention. Always look for a quality product that people will want to use over and over again, and not just push to the side.

Social media
By now I’m sure you know how beneficial it can be to tie in your event with your social platforms. You have three prime opportunities to connect with your audience—before, during, and after the show. Before the show is a great time to get your existing and potential customers excited to see you, do lots of self-promotion, and let your audience know what’s in it for them! During the show, take pictures, post to social networks, and show them what they’re missing! Then after the show, share pictures and takeaways and encourage people to reach out if they weren’t able to attend. Share your experience!

We all want our brand to stand out, but if you can do just one thing, invest in your booth! This is the first glimpse of your brand that people will see. Anything you can do to make an impact and set your brand apart is totally worth it!